98% welcome switching to a renewable liquid fuel, survey says

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We’ve had a tremendous response to our Future Ready Fuel survey so far with the results clearly showing that choice, simplicity and value for money are the main factors oil heated households are looking for in a new low carbon heating system. And unsurprisingly, a massive 98% said they would welcome switching to a renewable liquid fuel!

Current government plans to reduce emissions from UK homes only support a narrow range of low carbon heating solutions for oil heated homes. However, 93% of survey respondents emphasised the importance of having a choice over how to decarbonise their homes.

A further 67% said they would choose the option that offered best value for money, with only 7% opting for the best solution, regardless of cost. A further 51% would go for the solution that is least disruptive to install.

The other lower carbon heating technologies currently available to households off the gas grid are electric heat pumps and, in limited cases, biomass systems. Both options cost thousands of pounds and can cause significant disruption to install.

A renewable liquid fuel such as HVO would help cut the cost and simplify decarbonisation for many oil heated homeowners. Watch this video to see HVO in action.

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