Energy Bill Campaign

The next few weeks are crucial for securing policy support for renewable liquid fuels for heating. YOU can make a difference.

Make your voice heard and write to your MP:

Our campaign to deliver a renewable liquid fuel solution for oil heated homes featured on the front page of the Daily Telegraph, thanks to the support of George Eustice MP.

You can read the online version here. You may also have seen it on the Mail Online, Independent, The Times and Yahoo News. We’re really pleased to see the positive response from readers.

We’ve reached a pivotal moment in our campaign. The government is pushing an Energy Bill through Parliament which will set out how homes like yours will transition to greener heating systems in the years to come.

George Eustice MP has put down crucial ‘amendments’ to the bill which would give oil heated homes the choice of switching to a renewable liquid fuel, rather than a heat pump.

Write to your MP TODAY and call for them to back to the amendments. Every letter makes a huge difference.

Watch our video to learn more about our campaign

Three reasons renewable liquid fuels are so important...

1. The government wants to end the use of oil heating

The government has set out proposals to end the installation of fossil fuel heating in homes off the gas grid from 2026. In most cases, households would be expected to switch to a heat pump.

However, many oil heated properties aren’t suited to a heat pump unless expensive and disruptive changes are made which could include new radiators, added insulation and a new hot water tank. The government’s own calculator reveals the cost could be over £20k in some cases. Even if we weren’t in a cost of living crisis, that’s simply unaffordable!

2. Our demonstration project has been a huge success 

Around 150 oil heated properties across the UK from homes, pubs, schools to churches have been using the renewable liquid fuel Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (HVO) for the past two years as part of our demonstration project.
HVO Installer

 It’s been a huge success! The switch from kerosene to HVO required a minor modification to the boiler at an estimated cost of £500. As a result, carbon emissions were reduced by 88%. Research shows there is more than enough sustainably sourced supply to meet demand.

That’s why renewable liquid fuels, with minimal upfront cost and disruption, are the ideal alternative solution. Our project is the perfect blueprint for more rural communities to follow as part of a wider rollout.

3. It’s about fairness and choice

We’re in a cost of living crisis but we still need to make progress in transitioning to greener heating. It’s vital that renewable options are affordable and we believe YOU should have a choice over the type of renewable heating system you have in your home.

It’s sometimes hard to see how we, as individuals, can make a difference. That’s why we created the Future Ready Fuel campaign to have a united voice. Every single letter sent to an MP makes a huge difference. Make your voice heard today!

Write to your MP and urge them to back the amendments:

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