About Renewable Liquid Fuels

For oil heated homes which can’t switch to a heat pump without significant cost and disruption, renewable liquid fuels are the ideal alternative.

Transitioning from oil heating to a renewable liquid fuel such as HVO only requires a minor modification to your boiler and a tank in good condition. This could be completed by a technician during a routine service and is expected to cost less than £500. You keep your boiler, radiators, heating controls and everything else. It’s straightforward and hassle free.

HVO reduces emissions by up to 88% which is a significant carbon saving. However, you keep all the benefits of heating oil from instant heat, shopping around for the best price to purchasing the fuel when you want to. The liquid fuel industry is well established with experienced technicians and fuel distributors across the country who will maintain the high safety standards we all expect.

Renewable liquid fuels such as HVO are made from used cooking oil (UCO). This is sustainably sourced and doesn’t require any biofuel crops. Research shows there is also more than enough to meet the demand of the relatively small off grid heating sector.

Top 5 benefits of renewable liquid fuels

Cleaner and greener

reduces your carbon emissions by almost 90% compared to existing heating oil

Simple conversion

that can be conveniently done when your boiler is serviced or upgraded

Low cost

usual cost of conversion is around £500 (exact cost depends on your particular system)

Fossil free

made from fossil free, certified sustainable waste materials and doesn’t contribute to deforestation

No difference

runs just as efficiently as heating oil in your existing system and it’s odourless too

Homes are already using renewable liquid fuels

To prove the viability of renewable liquid fuels, as part of a two year project we converted around 150 buildings across the UK from kerosene to HVO. The results were an overwhelming success. No technical limitations were identified with positive feedback from all participants.

Renewable liquid fuels aren’t just for homes

In the village of Kehelland in Cornwall, fuel distributor Mitchell & Webb converted dozens of properties to HVO including the local school, church and village hall to prove how versatile the fuel is. It’s ideal for buildings, such as churches, where you need instant on and off heat.

How we can rollout renewable liquid fuels across the UK

Training and technical updates are already in place for technicians and fuel distributors to rollout renewable liquid fuels. The industry is ready and waiting. What we need now is for the government to support this approach, which includes implementing an obligation on fuel suppliers and equalising the fuel duty on renewable liquid fuels when it is used for home heating to be in line with transport.

HVO Installer

We are having positive discussions with the government, but we need your support. If you want the choice of switching to a renewable liquid fuel then see how you can help us.

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